Nu ska jag planera en tvåtimmars föreläsning om 40-talsfrisyrer och mode, och vilka sorters photoshoots vi ska ta. 20-talsflicka på Karlsbron, två 30-talstjejer på ett kafé, nån pianist på en rökig bar... Det finns så underbara miljöer och möjligheter!


Sen ska jag bara klura ut vad jag ska packa ner, måste ju ha outfits till verje shoot. Och dessutom ha med alla håratiraljerna. Lite fascinators. Och danskläder. För det ska dansas varje natt!
And in English!
It's on! Everything is booked and fixed: Studio deluxe will go to Pragus Spring Swing Festival to give a vintage hairstyling lecture and to shoot some awesome pictures. We have a lot of ideas, have to decide what to shot since we can't bring too many outfits, along with kcamera equipment and hairstyling stuff. Will need a lot of own clothes as well, as there will be a lot of dancing going on as well. Work daytime, party at night, eat a lot of tasty food, and drink the best beers in the world. Mmmm, can think of worse places to be duriing Easter... If anyone is intrerested in participating in the camp, I'm sure thatcan be arranged!